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Just getting started on building a fortune? Or working on expanding your existing portfolio? Either way, CARL tears down barriers blocking your access to the world of hedge fund investing, providing you with all the tools you need and a selection of investment strategies you might never have heard of unless you know someone who knows someone. Take your financial future into your own hands with the exclusive CARL mobile app.

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Our purpose

Why CARL Exists

Investing in hedge funds has traditionally been the exclusive privilege of super-rich individuals or institutional investors. But even for those wealthy and professional investors, it has been difficult to gain access to these high-value investments.

For these reasons, CARL is on a mission to tear down barriers to access and democratize quantitative hedge funds investing in order to provide as many investors as possible with the most sophisticated technological investment opportunities, so that they can both benefit from the most profitable investment opportunities in the market and minimize their own risk through a diversified portfolio.

We dream of a modern investment space where comprehensive data is accessible easily, literally with just a few finger tips, and investors are treated like the capable, analytical and sophisticated individuals they generally are.

We believe that when provided with this data, investors will be able to understand these sophisticated investments and make quality decisions for their own portfolios. Investing in quantitative hedge funds should be available quickly, without red tape and a lot of paperwork, to as many investors as possible, regardless of how much they have to invest or how much formal investment education they have received.

We are working hard to ensure that CARL is that innovative investment space and that our dream becomes a reality.

Our Promise


We commit to always providing you the investment data so you can make your own investment decisions

High-Level Security

We commit to protecting the data you entrust with us, and your investments, at every step of our processes

Proprietary Due Diligence

We commit to bringing you funds that meet industry satisfactory management standards

Real Diversification

We commit to bringing as many hedge fund strategies as we can find that meet our standards so you can have real investments

Sophisticated Alternative Investments Aren’t Just for Institutions Anymore

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What does Carl mean?

The Name CARL Derives From Famous Mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss

What we do at CARL is inspired by Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. With his mathematical contributions, he is known for making major breakthroughs in both mathematics and physics. With ingenuity, he developed mathematical concepts that transformed empirical observations into computable events. This is not only the root of the AI-based technology behind the CARL app, but also the core belief we all share at CARL: mathematics are capable of improving our world every day.

What Investors Say About CARL

"Diversifying my portfolio felt like stocks and real estate were the only options, with bonds not really diversification anymore. If 60/40 doesn’t work then what’s the answer? Every CARL fund is reasonably uncorrelated, I could actually “shop” my diversification! It’s great."

Frank Herold

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